Professor and Coordinator, Instructional
Office: ED122H
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL 32816, U.S.A.
Office Telephone: (407)823-2053
Department Telephone: (407)823-4835
Office Fax: (407) 823-4880
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Hello and welcome
to our increasingly international world!
This is Dick Cornell, Professor of Instructional Systems in
the College
of Education at the University
of Central Florida in Orlando. See the UCF-AECT
and the Instructional Technology WebPages for information about
our program areas.
This site is clearly an ignoble experiment in web page design. A number of years ago, I had no clue as to how to construct one but, since I required each student in my Distance Education class to build their own personal web page, how would it look if I did not have to struggle through the same process?
I want to express my sincere thanks to Yedong ¡°Terry¡± Tao, my Shanghai web expert whose work on these pages reflects his creativity and talent. He certainly made my struggle far easier and it he who should get most of the credit!
To save you having to browse through interminable screens of stuff depicting my life's work, (unless you are a major collector of trivia, in which case my vita link will satisfy such a pressing need) let me simplify things by sharing with you some of my current interests:
The use of instructional technology on the international
scene is my major interest. As you can see by referring to
the links included, there is much to do and, as some sage
stated, "so little time in which to do it!" In 1979,
because of my work with the International Division of the
Association for Educational Communications and Technology
I became involved with the International Council for Educational
Media (ICEM),
and for the past five years, have served as its president.
Each year we rotate the venue for our international congress. In 2000 we celebrated our 50th anniversary when we met in Geneva, Switzerland. In 2001 we met in Taipei,
and in October, 2002, we met in Granada,
Spain. In 2003 we met in Oslo, Norway and in 2004 we will meet in Vienna, Austria. In 1992 it was the United States' turn to host the Congress and it was here at UCF in Orlando. |