For the past several years I have been fortunate to have spent considerable time in other parts of the world, primarily giving presentations as well as actively recruiting new graduate students for our Master of Arts program in Instructional Systems and more recently, the Ph.D. in Education program with an emphasis on Instructional Technology. This work I hope to continue indefinitely.
For the past several years, a team of doctoral students and I have been examining
the relationship between Asian pedagogy and instructional technology, particularly
as it affects our Asian students studying in the West. A “Phase II” of our
research has now evolved – one that considers recent mandates in Asia that
require teaching computing and English from the third grade onward. Our concern
relates to compatibility, the requisite symbiosis between Eastern Confucian
pedagogy and the implementation of Western technologies. We are of the opinion
that massive change will have to occur in Asia if technology, truly integral
to instruction, is to succeed.
For many years, I conducted research for Eastern and Continental Airlines, and NASA related to the impact of fatigue on cockpit crews flying transoceanic night flights. My interests in this area are now focusing on cabin crew fatigue and its impact on performance. Related to this area has been my writing related to long duration spaceflight and the need for discretionary time activities.
If you are wondering why I study such things or how it all relates to being in a College of Education...join the club! The connection is very simple and academic area was and is Instructional Systems and one aspect of that area is the human/machine interface and related training needs required in these areas.
Finally, my other major interest has been and is being of service to my students, no matter where they may be located. The UCF Instructional Systems master's program has a twenty-five year reputation of graduating some of the best and brightest practitioners.
It is also a graduate program with heart, one in which each student looks
out for and helps the other. I am proud of our students and will feature
some of them from time to time.
To the right you will see some of my major areas of interest and involvement.